
Technical Director | Tracking  /MatchmoveTD | Environments Artist TD | Tech Anim TD | Maya Generalist


METHOD STUDIOS, Los Angeles, CA.                                           (Oct 2013-Nov 2018)
as TrackingTechnical Director
Maya python tools - Integration, Tracking, Layout


  •          Camera Track, Object track, Matchmove
  •          Stereo Camera Tracking
  •          Data Integration
  •          Stereo reconstruction / Image Modeling
  •          Python (Maya, Nuke, 3DEqualizer, Pymel, PyQt4/PySide)
  •          HDR Prep (compile, stitch, 3d light kit)
  •          3D model building for Architectural previs
  •          Shell scripting
  •          Git
  •          Technical Animation

  •  providing development and support for Maya Python tools and procedures to extend and enhance Integration, Tracking, Layout and outsource vendor packaging workflow. 
  •  enhance workflows to enable artist to work more quickly and efficiently.
  •  design, develop, and implement new tools and processes
  •  Ensure tool development follows studio pipeline standards/guidelines
  • cross site collaboration and support
  • support to a show's artists and tracking department leads. 
  • provided support for bug fixes, feature request for department and show specific needs
  • GSI Importer - developed onset survey data gsi importer for maya supporting tcr-1105, tcr-1200, ts-12 and ts-06 survey data
  • Track Review - developed  track review workflow tools in maya where artist can submit there work for review and supervisor/leads can review and approve/kickback the work.
  • Outsource Tool - developed outsource transfer tool to ingest outsource work into companies pipelines in order to be able to review and give feedback
  • Trackcomp - developed Maya/Nuke based trackcomp tool for artist to be able to render their work and submit for review
  • Trackter - developed 2D/3D tracker converter tool supporting Syntheyes, 3DEqualizer, Boujou, Maya
  • 3DE Chan Importer/ Exporter - Camera and Object Chan Importer and exporter from 3DEqualizer to Maya and vice versa
  • 2D Track Importer from 3DE and Syntheyes to Maya
  • Slate - Nuke and PyQt based Slate Frame tool
  • Maya Animation Curve smooth tool
  • Camera format converter - Camera Converter tool to convert camera for different filmbacks
  • Playblast - Maya Render layer based Playblast tool

  • HERCULES as Tracking TD - pyhon tool development, camera track, object tracking, integration
  • DIVERGENT as Tracking TD - pyhon tool development, camera track, object tracking, integration

DIGITAL DOMAIN, Venice, CA.                                                             (Feb 2007-Oct 2013)

MALEFICENT (In Production) as Data Integration/Tracking Artist- camera and object tracking for CG wings

INTO THE STORM ( BLACK SKY) as Data Integration/Tracking Artist- camera and object tracking for tornado destruction sequence

IRON MAN 3  as Environment TD, Data Integration Artist
Nuke projections setup for interior Airforce one, environments setup for sky diving sequence, camera and object tracking, HDR prep for lighting. stitched multiple tile set of grauman’s chinese theatre for nuke projection setup.

WATCH  as Data Integration Artist
Camera and object tracking

JACK THE GIANT KILLER  (in Production) as Data Integration Artist
 Stereo Tracking, Character Matchove, Object tracking, HDR prep

ENDER'S GAME  (in Production) as Data Integration Artist

KILLER ELITE  as Data Integration Artist

camera and object tracking for car
HELP  as Environment Artist
REAL STEEL  as Environment Artist
2D/3D Projection and compositing using Nuke, stereo reconstruction, modeling, crowds control

REAL STEEL  as Data Integration Artist
Camera tracking, object tracking, HDR Prep for Lighting, Stereo reconstruction

TRON 2 : LEGACY(In Production) as Data Integration Artist
  Stereo alignment, 3D camera tracking, object track for CG head & neck replacement for Jeff Bridges
  Camera Caliberation in Image Modeler for Stereo & Witness cameras
  On set : Survey Data, camera data sheet, HDR, reference photo, placing tracking markers

GIJOE : RISE OF THE COBRA as Data Integration Artist
  camera & object tracking for car, cowcatcher, character

  camera & object track for CG head and neck replacement for Brad Pitt
SPEEDRACER as Data Integration Artist
  camera track, object track for helmet and car

GOLDEN COMPASS  as Data Integration Artist
  camera tracking, object track for compass

SEEKER: THE DARK IS RISING as Data Integration Artist
  camera tracking, stereo reconstruction for exterior bridge and landscape

WE OWN THE NIGHT as Data Integration Artist
  object tracking for windshield of the moving car for CG water drops
TRANSFORMER as Data Integration Artist
  camera & object tracking, stereo reconstruction
       camera and moving object track for ship, character.

 NBA2K14 as Data Integration Artist | camera track & Lebron body track
Air Force commercial as Data Integration Artist
UFC Promo 2012 as Data Integration Artist | for bidding shots
Mercedez “Escape” as Data Integration Artist | camera tracking
Sprint“Goodbye” as Data Integration Artist | Stereo camera tracking
Disney“Jungle” as Data Integration Lead | camera & object track for animal head replacement
Lexus “Snow” as Data Integration Lead | camera & object track for car as moving object
Honda “Fit” as Data Integration Lead | camera & object track for car as moving object
Sobe “Samba” as Data Integration Lead | camera & object track
Old Spice “Live wire” as Data Integration Artist | camera & object track
Old Spice “Double Impact” as Data Integration Lead | camera & object track
Mazda “Red”  as Data Integration Lead | camera & object track for car
Nike “ String”  as Data Integration Artist | object track for Kobe Bryant’s wrist and finger
Miller Lite “Chill” as Data Integration Artist | camera & object for track bottle
Coors Light as Data Integration Artist | camera & object track
Gatorade “Moon” as Data Integration Artist | camera & object track Tiger wood’s head
Hyundai Sonata 2008 “Matic” as Data Integration Artist
Shell “Saw” as Data Integration Artist
Chevy Malibu as Data Integration Artist  | camera & object track for car as moving object
Subaru  Forester “Secret Base” as Data Integration Artist  | camera & object track for car, environment
Chrysler Jenga as Data Integration Artist  | camera & object track for car as moving object
Honda Accord “Power” as Data Integration Artist  | camera & object track for car as moving object
Heineken “ Draught Keg” as Data Integration Artist  | camera & object track for CG Keg
Vicks “ Shields” as Data Integration Artist | camera track for CG environment
Coors Light “Slide” as Data Integration Artist | camera & object track for CG logo replacement
Mountain Dew Transformers “Toaster” as Data Integration Artist | camera & object track
BurgerKing Transformer  as Data Integration Artist | camera track for CG Robot
GM Transformer as Data Integration Artist | camera & object track for car
Chrysler “ Technology Throughtout”  as Integration Artist | camera & object track for car reflection 

BLACK POINT STUDIOS, San Francisco, CA.                                                                  
 Epic Games -Unreal 3 Engine, Maya 7, 3dsmax8 and Photoshop CS2

 COHEN as Effects Animator
 • Dynamics/Particle for gun shot muzzle flash, smoke, debris, concrete chunk, environment fog  & torch.
ZURICH2 & 3 : Level Design for Bourne Identity (Highmoon Studio) as FX Animator/3D Artist
 • Dynamic/particles simulation, texture & shader for Interior water fountain splash, ripples & mist in Unreal3
 • modeled, UV set and textured diffuse, specular, normal and occlusion for building facade -zurich 3 in Maya7
 • modeled, UV Layout & textured diffuse, emmisive specular, normal & occlusion for interior skylight detail 
    zurich 3 American Embassy.
AREA 52 as 3D Generalist - Maya/3dmax (Midway games)
 • layout Maya meshes togather inside engine and created material instance shader nodes.
 • redone smoothing group, created second UV set and exported all the 158 objects for entire level to Unreal
   Engine from 3dsmax 8.
 • created Glass shader with fake reflection and normals for scratches in Unreal Engine 3 for Chemistry Set.

RHYTHM AND HUES STUDIO, Los Angeles, CA.                                   
 Software: Voodoo (Proprietary tool @ Rhythm and Hues) and Operating system : Unix -Linux 7.2 and Suse 9.2

NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM as Technical Animator / Creature TD                                                   
 •  Driving Fur & cloth Simulation for photorealistic creatures and animals for CG integration with live action.
 •  Modify fur behaviour through dynamics simulation & set up forces, collision surface for fur, cloth simulation.
 •  Modify character/creature muscle & skin movement through custom deformation on top of actual animation.
 •  Working closely at various level with rigging department for additional deformation controls.

NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM as Matchmove TD                                                          
 •  CG Set photo modeling for Central Park Museum based on survey data on Night At The Museum.

SUPERMAN RETURNS as Matchmove TD                                             
 • Fixes for Brando shot facial animation and skin deformation on cheeks on Superman Returns

GARFIELD 2: TALE OF TWO KITTIES as Matchmove/ Tracking TD           
 •  Matchmove, camera track, object track, modeled set geometry and props
 •  hand animated camera moves and prop objects.
 •  reconstructed the spatial layout of the enviroment for interaction with CG Garfield on the live action plate.

CHARLOTTE’S WEB  as Matchmove/Tracking TD                                      
 •  Softtrack, hardtrack for facial skin and muscle movement on pig, cow, sheep and horse
 •   hand animated eye blinks, breathing  and skin movement on face for CG rig to match live action.
 •  Tracked camera and set props for CG Integration with live action.

GIANT KILLER ROBOTS, San Francisco, CA.                        
FANTASTIC FOUR as Matchmoving /3D Tracking Artist
  •  Matchmove, camera track,  Soft track, hard track, object track and character match.
  •  build environment and prop geometry for set, stabilized plates and undistorted Plates for correct lense.
  •  Software:  2D3 Boujou 2.1, SynthEyes, RealViz Matchmover, Summon Trackula, Maya 6.5, Shake 2.5
•  Operating system: Windows XP

ESCAPE ENTERTAINMENT, Alameda, CA.                        
CATWOMAN and CONSTANTINE  as Matchmove/Layout Artist
•  Tracked camera and rigid objects, character match, camera caliberation, photo modeling, set fitting.   
•  Analyzed survey data and modeled sets, props & models based on blueprints and reference photographs
•  Animated props and character rigs to match the live action for CG integration.
•  Maya vector renders of the track data to composite over the background to check accuracy of camera.
•  Software:  2D3 Boujou, Maya 6, Shake 2.5 and Labrador (Proprietary matchmoving tool at ESC)
•  Operating system: Windows XP

DAWAAT PROPERTY TRUST, Surat, India.                                               (1999–2000)
•  Project: Multimedia Centre as Assistant Design Architect / 3D Modeler / CAD specialist
•  Produced all technical drawings for the architectural designs on AutoCAD, 3D computer models
•  Created 3D presentation for client and supplying technical details to on site contractors on daily progress.
•  Tools used:  3d StudioMax 2.5 and AutoCAD 14, CorelDraw 8, Corel Photopaint 8
•  Platform: Windows NT platform

Freelanced for Architectural  Residential and Commerical projects                                            
•  3d Architectural Previsualization for residential and commercial designs using 3dStudio 4 and AutoCAD 14

, Surat, India                                           
• Interned as an Assistant Architect.
• responsible for producing presentation, Layout and technical working drawings for residential project.

Software skills:
• Matchmove/Tracking : SynthEyes 2008, PFTrack 4.0, 2d3 Boujou 2.1, Realviz Matchmover 3
• 3D : Autodesk Maya 2015, 3dsmax 2009, Unreal Engine 3, AutoCad 2010
• 2D : Nuke, AfterEffects CS 4, Commotion Pro 4.1, Photoshop CS6, PTGUI
• Operating System: Linux - Ubuntu, Debian, Suse, Fedora Core, Windows 8, Windows XP.
• Web/Graphic Tools:  Adobe Photoshop CS6, Illustrator CS6, InDesign CS6
• Photo Modeling: Autodesk Image Modeler 2009
• Video Editing: Adobe Premiere CS6
• Game Engine: Unreal Engine 3
• Scripting Language: Python, Maya-Mel scripting/Expression, HTML4, CSS
• Proprietery Tool:
   - Track (at Digital Domain for various feature film and commercial project)
   - Voodoo (at Rhythm and Hues Studio for Charlotte’s Web,Garfield 2 and Night at the Museum)
   - Labrador (while working at Escape Entertainment on Catwoman and Constantine)


         * Masters in Computer Graphics: Visual Effects
            Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA

         * Bachelor's in Architecture
            Institute of Environmental Design, Vallabh Vidhya Nagar, Gujarat, India

Integration/Tracking Demo Reel 2018 on Youtube